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Monday, June 01, 2020

Download Saral Rogopchar Aayurvedic Book Pdf.

Download Saral Rogopchar Aayurvedic Book Pdf.

Download Saral Rogopchar Aayurvedic Book Pdf.

Ayurveda app is a handbook that will help you to understand one of the most ancient traditional medicinal systems and will let you always have its recommendations at hand.
The application will be useful for all those people, who are interested in healthy lifestyle, cooking, healthy diet, natural cosmetics, aromatherapy, oriental medicine and philosophy, yoga, spiritual practices and self-knowledge.

Ayurvedic Ingredients and Products (Yogas) Database

Dravya is a huge collection of data on ingredients and products of Ayurveda. Dravya has amazing search capabilities and it is quite easy to use.

Precise information, the moment you want it

Dravya is designed keeping the serious Ayurveda community in mind. It is optimized for quick and convenient use. Access tons of authentic and referenced information on herbs, animal products, metals, minerals, gemstones and formulations. Dravya can be used as a quick reference tool with detailed information on identification, properties and uses of ingredients and products. No more wasting precious study time or work hours collecting basic info for your learning, practice or research in Ayurveda. Dravya will be a trusted companion in your journey to become more efficient and effective with Ayurvedic medicine and Ayurvedic upchar.

Get regular updates on new Ayurveda medicines, Ayurveda tips and Ayurveda treatments.

An ever-growing library in your pocket.

It is humanly impossible to memorize and recollect thousands of ingredients and products mentioned in all of classical Ayurveda books. Keeping track of the products in the market is also a daunting task. Most of the current sources of this information are difficult to access, unreliable or confusing. This is where Dravya comes in handy. Dravya is like an ever-growing reference book focusing on dravyaguna, rasashastra and bhaishajya kalpana. Dravya bypasses all the hassles of having to carry bulky books or having to go through all the pages to find that tiny but important piece of data.

Dravya has listed ingredient names in more than 20 Indian and International languages. The content is presented in minimum words and in simple English with exact Sanskrit or technical terms given along with the translation. For Ayurvedic diet planners, Dravya has also included the nutritive values and food incompatibilities (viruddha).


Dravya has ‘multi-search’, a unique feature that enables you to type in multiple related keywords and get filtered results. For example, with multi-search, you can look up an herb belonging to daśamūla, with sweet taste, cooling potency and pitta reducing capacity which may be given for bladder pain and burning sensation. Or you can search for a proprietary product which is in powder form, used for diabetes, made by a specific manufacturer. Try typing in conditions like fever, cough, vomiting and you will get a list of only those ingredients and products that are indicated for all these conditions together.

- A brief overview of Ayurveda history and philosophy, ayurvedic approach to health and disease, explanation of the ayurvedic central ideas of five elements, three doshas, and six tastes
- Tests to define your individual constitutional type (dosha quiz)
- Test to define your mental constitution (sattva, rajas, tamas)
- List of the most common health problems for each dosha and explanation from the point of view of ayurvedic medicine what causes these diseases and how you can get rid of them
- Ayurvedic remedies for colds and flu
- Ways to boost your immunity
- Nutrition guidelines
- The glossary of ayurvedic terms that will help you not to get lost
- The 7 chakras chart

Full version also contains:
- Set of recommendations for each constitutional type: diet, daily routine, lifestyle, daily facial and body care procedures, exercising
- Nutrition guidelines for Vata dosha, Pitta dosha and Kapha dosha
- The list of incompatible food products
- Recipe book containing over 80 recipes of Indian and vegetarian cuisine: soups, rice dishes, kitcharis, vegetable dishes, chutneys, desserts and beverages. Notes for each dish show how it affects each dosha and your health.
- Food charts specifying the effect of each product on each dosha and, thus, the organism

- Description of full self-massage procedure (Abhyanga) and short forms of self-massage: facial, stomach and feet massage
- Ayurvedic recommendations on yoga and breathing exercises (pranayama)
- Ayurvedic advice on meditation and description of several meditation techniques: Empty Bowl Meditation, So-Hum Meditation, Meditation for Five Chakras with Seed Mantras
- 9 sets of yoga asanas of different difficulty levels for restoring doshic balance: yoga for Vata, yoga for Pitta, yoga for Kapha
- Simple methods of purification and detoxication (home Panchakarma)
- Ayurvedic eye care
- Advices on usage of essential oils and vegetable oils, and aromatherapy
- Recipes of natural self-made cosmetics for cleansing, nourishment and moistening of facial skin and body skin. Easy and effective care for dry, sensitive and oily skin
- Tips on color therapy and sound therapy

Holistic approach of Ayurveda for disease treatment and prevention using only harmless natural remedies will help you:
- improve your vitality, stamina and immunity
- get rid of stress and chronic fatigue
- improve your skin
- solve digestion problems
- lose excess weight without fasting
- prevent future chronic diseases
Take responsibility for your health, find out what is good and what is bad for YOU, and become your own healer.

Start your way to perfect health, balance, harmony, beauty and longevity with Ayurveda!

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