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Saturday, September 24, 2022

This National Hair Day treat your locks with rice water and tea tree extracts

This National Hair Day treat your locks with rice water and tea tree extracts

With National Hair Day around the corner, provide  your lovely strands a strengthening makeover with the organic advantages of tea tree extracts and rice water formulas. 

Having an AM/PM skincare regime is one thing that definitely provides you healthier-looking skin, but what if we told you that your strands require the exact amount of attention as much as your skin does or maybe even more? Well, with the weather so unpredictable, stress tendencies or even genetic problems your beautiful strands seem to lose their strength slowly and gradually, but not anymore! This National Hair Day aka October 1, let’s take an vow to pay the most amount of attention to strengthening these beautiful locks. All you require is a set of dedicated hair care products with suitable ingredients in order to ignore the common issue of hair thinning. 

Going back in the aughts and applying traditional techniques to use like oiling and massaging sure has its fair share of advantages , but looking for proper  organic formulas is just what the doctor ordered! Speaking of which, common ingredients such as onion juice, coconut oils, and black seed oil have had their moments of success, but this National Hair day it’s time to welcome the unconventional ingredients and formulas such as rice water and tea tree extract with open arms or shall we say with open strands. 

Celebrating National Hair Day with a tea tree and rice water products

Traced back in the Southeast Asia, ricer water, or fermented rice water is known to be one of the most unconventional yet helpful ways for hair strengthening. Living in a land filled to the brim with home cures, one can always take the organic route, which is by boiling or soaking rice overnight followed by straining and utilizing the liquid for strengthening those locks. Likewise, the tea tree extract has gotten its due recognition in current years and has proven to be one of the most helpful hair care formulas of late. The antibacterial properties of tea tree are popular for fighting issues such as itchy scalps, dandruff, or extensive hair fall for that matter. 

Moreover to the above and with the occasion of National Hair Day round the corner, let us give you a listicle of some tea tree and rice water shampoos along with few hair butters to achieve those dense long locks, so keep your concerns aside and add these magical hair potions in your hair care shelves!

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