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Sunday, June 07, 2020

Prevent The Situation Caused By The Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19)

Prevent The Situation Caused By The Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19)

Introduction: -
The state's revenue is projected to fall sharply due to the extremely serious situation caused by the novel Corona virus (COVID.19) and the sanctions announced to control the virus.

The Ahiya Committee was constituted by the Government of Gujarat for the economic revival in the aftermath of the Novel Corona virus (coviD-19 epidemic).

As per the recommendations of the Ahiya Committee, the matter of taking necessary steps to save government expenditure was under consideration of the Government.

Resolution :-
In view of the situation as stated in the preamble, the following instructions are issued for austerity in government expenditure.

Notifications Regarding New Vehicles
(1)It is prohibited to purchase new approved vehicles (including vehicles with substitution for damaged vehicles) which are yet to be purchased and to approve new vehicles till 31-09-2021.
(2) Vehicles which have been approved and are yet to be hired / outsourced and new permission to be hired / outsourced is prohibited till date: 21-09-2021.

Instructions Regarding New Machinery / New Equipment / Office Facilities
(1) Purchase of electronics equipment such as commuter, printer, Xerox machine, air conditioner machine and other machinery and I.T. (IT) related project is prohibited till date: ૩ 1-03-2021.
(2) Officers / employees should strictly follow the instructions of the Government regarding office facilities such as air conditioner machine, cooler, furniture, commuter, laptop, mobile phone etc.

Instructions on buying furniture
(1) If the tender for issuance of approved furniture purchase works under new and ongoing matter is pending, such works shall be postponed till 31-09-2021.
(4) The work of opening tender (price) for works for which procurement of furniture has been issued but tender (price) has not been opened shall be postponed till date: 31-06-2071.
(2) The work of giving work order for the works which have been done for the purchase of furniture (price) but the work order is yet to be given, should be postponed till date: ૩ 1-08-2021.

Instructions on electricity consumption
Electricity consumption in government offices should be economical. All offices will have to make efforts to reduce the monthly electricity bills of the office.

All the above instructions regarding austerity are given by the Survey Administrative Departments of the Secretariat other than the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Heads of Departments, all other subordinate Government Offices as well as Public Enterprises, Boards, Corporations, Companies, Autonomous Institutions, Local Self Government Institutions, Government Universities and Grants in Will apply to all organizations.

If any concession is to be obtained in the above expenses, the department has to get the approval of the Hon'ble Chief Minister through the Finance Department.

Other instructions of Finance Department Resolution No Expenditure-102010-114-Z1 dated 17-09-2018 will be in force.

By order of the Governor of Gujarat and in his name

Important Link:-

Official G.R. : Click Here

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