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Thursday, June 04, 2020


  • Aatmnirbhar Gujarat Sahay scheme announcement
  • More than 10 lakh people will get the advantage of the scheme.
  • Decision to provide loan up to one lakh rupees
  • The loan will be provided at the rate of 2%
  • Loan up to one lakh rupees will be provided only on the basis of application
Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman addressed a press conference in New Delhi on Wednesday afternoon in which she defined a package for the Self-Reliant India Campaign.
Vital declaration by Chief Minister Vijaybhai Rupani Decision to offer loan up to one lakh rupees
Government of India will give conditional share of employers and employers till August. More than 72 lakh employees will advantage 3.66 lakh units. Rs. 90,000 crore will be offered to NBFCs, housing finance companies and micro finance institutions. A special liquidity Yojana of Rs 30,000 crore will be introduced. The Ministry of Urban Development will launch guidelines to the state governments and give relief to builders for six months by considering COVID-19 as an 'Act of God'. Financial liquidity of Rs 50,000 crore will improve . By December 31, 2020, the 'Dispute to Trust Scheme' has been increased . After all the declarations , Rs. Where the Rs 20 lakh crore will come from will be announced as the date for filing returns has been improved . Collection figures will be obtainable only after June 30
In his national address on Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi told that Rs. A package of Rs 20 lakh crore has been declared , which is about 10 per cent of the country's total GDP, and will be detailed by the finance minister in the coming days.
Earlier, the central government had spent Rs. A package of Rs 1 lakh 70 thousand crore was declared .

Apart from this, the Reserve  of India (RBI) has set aside Rs 1 crore for mutual funds to improve liquidity in the market. 50 thousand crore was declared . Apart from this, measures such as relief in loan repayment, reduction in loan rates, etc. were declared .

The main points of advertising
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in consultation with several ministries at different levels, with different sectors of the society, based on inputs received Rs. Announcing a package of Rs 20 lakh crore to save  the economy and promote local industries, Rs. 20 lakh package is being declared . Economy, infrastructure, technology based system, demographics and demand base will be based on the land, labor and legal reforms. Emphasis will be placed on e-off-doing the business. Self-sufficient India. India, which will create its contribution to the global supply chain In. Poor welfare package 'was declared , Rs. 52,606 directly credited to the beneficiary's account. The regular advertisement will take into account the elderly, poor, foreign workers and the disabled. 18,000 crore refund was provided , 

which benefited 14 lakh taxpayers. A loan-free loan of Rs 3 lakh crore, with a term of four years and no interest for 1 year, can be availed till October. Eight lakh crore beneficiaries of 'Ujjawala Yojana' will be offered free gas cylinders for a total of three months. MSMEs under pressure will be provided Rs. 20 thousand crore secondary-loan will be offered MSME units will be redefined, now units will be redefined on the basis of turnover moreover  to investment; The definition of manufacturing and service units will be consolidated at Rs. because of  having an investment of up to Rs. Turnover of up to Rs 5 crore will be explained as 'micro, small and cottage industries'. Out of MSME units, outlay of Rs. International public tenders will not be asked for government tenders up to Rs 200 crore.

Vital declaration by Chief Minister Vijaybhai Rupani Decision to provide loan up to one lakh rupees
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