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Thursday, February 13, 2020



April Mas ma Aayojan babat tharav
Satranat pariksha na Aayojan babt tharav
Paathy pustako babat tharav
Any tamam suchnao gr

As part of improving quality of education across all 55,000 Government,  Grant in aid and Self Finance Schools affiliated to Gujarat Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB),  the State Government today made some significant decisions to be implemented from next Academic Year 2020-21.
1. All Schools affiliated to GSHSEB and Director,  Primary Education to compulsorily follow the NCERT Textbooks issued through the State Textbook Board.
2. All the above Schools to follow a common system of Academic Calendar and Curriculum Timetable.
3. All the above Schools will follow Centralized Assessment for Sessional Exams in October and Annual Exams in March every year and Periodic Formative Exams across all Grades from 3 - 12 to be conducted by GSHSEB and GCERT. 
4. There will be considerable cross-learning between Teachers of Government and Self Finance Schools so that they can benefit from each others' best practices. 
5. GCERT and DIETs will extend all Academic and Pedagogical Support to Teachers of Self-finance Schools, particularly in Foundational Learning. 
6. These Centralized Assessments will help in tracking the academic progress of every child in the State through Online Dataentry of Results monitored by CCC and this would help in ensuring that children achieve Grade-Appropriate Learning Outcomes and Higher Order Thinking Skills.
7.  This will strengthen School Education in Gujarat and give our students competitive edge in national level exams like JEE, NEET etc and help them be prepared for international assessments like PISA by 2024.
Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board and Director of Primary Education Important Circular on ensuring the highest quality education with Grade-Appropiate Learning Outcomes and Higher Order Thinking Skills in all Government Grants in Aid and Self Dependent Schools in the State.
In many cases, the standards that will be addressed will be drawn from the Common Core State Standards. Typically the SLO is developed between the teacher and his/her direct supervisor or principal.
A SLO is an assessment tool that allows a teacher to quantify his/her impact on student achievement as measured within the parameters of a particular academic or elective standard. In many cases, the standards that will be addressed will be drawn from the Common Core State Standards. Typically the SLO is developed between the teacher and his/her direct supervisor or principal. As the school year or pre-selected term of the SLO administration proceeds, the teacher will make frequent checks for understanding through various formative assessments. This will allow the teacher to determine the progression of learning for the student research group. At the conclusion of the school year, the teacher will collect the results and meet with his/her direct supervisor to discuss the data as it applies to the original goal statement.[1] It is important to remember that SLOs have to be content and course specific with outcomes that can be measured.[2] One of the main benefits of developing and implementing strong SLOs is the ability to increase student achievement at the classroom level.[3] SLOs are being used as a percentage in the overall teacher evaluation system because it can quantify the pedagogical impact a teacher has on a specific set of students.[4]
An objective is a small goal that needs to be met on the way to fulfilling the larger course outcome or goal. A typical course will have four to five objectives that focus the various learning activities.[5]
Data-driven instruction & assessment - The local education agency (LEA) should review past data gathering systems to determine an overarching goal for individual teacher SLO development.[6] It is important to include all educational stakeholders in this process. One was that this could be accomplished is to discuss the SLO with parents on "Meet the Teacher" night. The feedback from the parents would help to validate the importance of the SLO in the lives of students and their parents. Another way to include parents in the discussion would be to sponsor a Google Document that encourages collaboration on the actual SLO document itself.
Standards-alignment - The development of an effective SLO starts with locating an academic standard that promotes rigorous student learning that results in a measurable student product or outcome.[7] One way to motivate reluctant learners to engage in rigorous academic achievement is to add relevance to their instruction and assessments. For example, when working with a literacy standard dealing with non-fiction reading comprehension it would be beneficial to use real-world documents like an electric bill or an over-the-counter children's pain relief label. The students apply their reading comprehension strategies to documents that they are likely to encounter in the future.

Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board and Director of Primary Education Important Circular on ensuring the highest quality education with Grade-Appropiate Learning Outcomes and Higher Order Thinking Skills in all Government Grants in Aid and Self Dependent Schools in the State date 12/2/2020

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