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Friday, January 31, 2020



1/2/2020 na roj Teleconference babat latest Paripatra
Pustak vachan Saptah babat Paripatra
Ek Bharat Shresth Bharat anataragt mahiti aapva babat Paripatra
Teleconference Time 10.00 to 11.00
Pustak Vachan Spardha, Fit India, Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat, Paryavaran Prayoshala, Gujarat Poshan abhiyan 2020 Anatragat Teleconference
Concerning the 'Book Peruser Rivalry' for the understudies of Government Higher Essential (sexually transmitted disease. 6 to 8) schools of the State just as Government/RMSA/Model (sexually transmitted disease. 9) and Higher Optional (sexually transmitted disease. 11) Schools. On the note of the Secretary, Essential and Optional Instruction, Training Office, an incorporated plan for school training has been propelled by the Service of Human Asset Improvement - Administration of India. Through the incorporation of the Halfway Supported Plans of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), National Auxiliary Training Effort (RMSA) and Educator Instruction, the whole instruction has been actualized.
Most recent roundabout on book peruser rivalry
1/2/20 through 7/2/2020 digital book understanding week
Rivalry at the school level
15/2/2020 at bunch level. Rivalry
22/2/2020 at square level
29/2/2020 at the area level
7/3/2020 State level challenge
perusing effort - week-01-02-2020-to-07-02-2020
The objective of the entire instruction is to give comprehensive and fair training to all youngsters in the age gathering of 4 to 18 years. Extraordinary consideration has been paid to the school library and its successful use for the satisfaction of different goals of the entire training.
As a major aspect of this, the books of National Book Trust (NBT) have been accommodated the library of all Administration Essential and Higher Grade Schools in the state according to the rules of the Focal Government from the town dispensed by the Focal Government a year ago to enhance the school library. The significance of perusing is significant in the general advancement of the understudies.
As per the discoveries of National Accomplishment Overview 2, "The understudies who read the books of the school library, the instruction level of the understudies is high." Starting with understanding material, it is significant for the understudies to peruse library books, reference writing, papers, periodicals, writing. Correspondence of all subjects is conceivable just if the understudies have learned necessary understanding aptitudes. Conveyance of this objective requires arranging of co-happening movement.
In perspective on the abovementioned, all Administration Higher Essential (sexually transmitted disease. 6 to 8) schools in the State just as Government Awards. like this . S. a . For understudies of/Model/Model Day Auxiliary (sexually transmitted disease. 9) and Higher Optional (sexually transmitted disease. 11) schools - to hold 'Book Peruser Rivalry' up to class level of that standard, just as to the standard class of these schools as a component of the challenge. From 1/2/2020 hrs. Planned to hold 'Book Understanding Week' during 7/2/2020.
Every one of the schools under your influence are alluded to as 'Book Peruser Rivalry', according to the rules in question, to give all the pertinent guidelines from your level, and to actualize them viably at each phase of the challenge, to be held at that level.
Guide for Book Peruser Rivalry:
"Motivations behind the Book Peruser Rivalry:
Understudies. General Visit Talk Parlor General Talk Parlor General Talk Parlor
• Understanding interests
• Talk cautiously
• Become a normal peruser
• Understands papers and magazines
• Perusing requires recording notes. General Talk Visit Parlor General Talk Parlor
In perspective on the abovementioned, all Administration Higher Essential (sexually transmitted disease. 6 to 8) schools and Legislature of the State. R . like this . S. a . /Model/Model Day Auxiliary (sexually transmitted disease. 9) and Higher Optional (sexually transmitted disease. 11), an ever increasing number of kids concentrating in schools are utilizing the library.
Kids' excitement for perusing, youngsters are introducing themselves to others about the book they read, beginning from book audit to turning into a genuine peruser of most things later on - beginning from grade level school - caster - square - area and state level book. Books in the standard class of these schools as a feature of the 'Peruser Rivalry' and 'Book Peruser Rivalry' from 1/02/2020 to 07/02/2020 Acana weeks have been composed. In each degree of rivalry, youngsters are solicited to assess the perusing from books in the library during the year by taking a short introduction of the books they have perused to the kids.
Book Peruser Rivalry: State sexually transmitted disease. All Administration R's containing 6,7,8,9 and 11. like this . S. a . In/model/model day schools
Book Peruser Rivalry
In each degree of rivalry, youngsters can present them either verbally or by perusing what they have written in the paper.
• fourth of July: Limit of 5 minutes for every kid - Book perusing week in that class (s) and enter:
• c. Book perusing week from 5/2/2020 to 7/2/2020
School Level:
• c. 8/2/2020 Saturday
• Institutionalized challenge against the school of the triumphant understudies in that classification (after school unit test).
• Standard one (1) victor in the school level challenge
• Champs to decide ૩ Board of trustees of judges, including,
(1) The head/head of the school
(2) J - one of the educators in that school
(3) The school's SMC educationist who is a competent resigned instructor in that town or region
Bunch Level:
Ta. 15/2/2020 Standard challenge for all youngsters who have been triumphant in the school level challenge in every one of the schools remembered for that bunch at all the groups on Saturday.
• A standard one in bunch level challenge
(1) The champ will in this way be at any rate 1 and the greatest victor
• Champs to decide ૩ Board of judges in which
(1) Government Optional/North Mother Head of the school
(2) Grant Winning Instructor
(3) Related Beat Instruction Overseer (Training)/CRC Co. Ordinator
Square (BRC) Level:
• c. 22/2/2020, on Saturday
• Institutionalized challenge for all kids who have been successful in the bunch level challenge in every one of the groups contained in that square.
(1) The victor will along these lines be the most extreme champ. To decide the champ, an advisory group of judges wherein the taluka essential instruction official
(2) Meaning of Diet Related Falsehoods
(3) Subsidiary BRC Co. Ordinator
Locale Level:
• c. 29/2/2020, on Saturday
• Institutionalized challenge for all youngsters who have been successful in taluka level challenge in every one of the squares remembered for that area.
• Standard one in the region level challenge
(1) Champ
• There will be a limit of 5 champs along these lines
• A board of trustees of 4 judges to designate the champs (1) Curator of Diet, (2) Diet Instructor, (3) Grant winning Educator, (4) Training/Writing Shri.
State Level:
Ta. 1/3/2020, on Saturday
• Institutionalized challenge for all kids who have been successful in area level challenge in all regions of the state.
• Standard one (1) victor in the state level challenge
• In this manner become the most extreme champ
• To Win Champs સમ The Board of Judges is mentioned to think about the accompanying issues identifying with book peruser rivalry as showed previously.
Motivating force prizes for understudies who have won from school level to state level in the Book Peruser Rivalry
Rs. 100 (school level), Rs. 200 (group level), Rs. 300 (Square Level), Rs. 400 (area level) and Rs. Book Reasonable of 500 (State Level) will be given.
The standard data of the triumphant understudies at each level, which - inside two (2) days after the fruition of the challenge with the mark of the dependable official/worker of that level - will be gathered at the upper degree of that level and sent to the Region Data Office. - Utilize the Book Reasonable coupon given as a motivating force prize to the victor - the champ of the coupon will have the option to store that measure of books from the Book Reasonable for be held at the area level. - Book Reasonable for be held at the area level will be educated independently by letter here.