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Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Surat Municipal Corporation: Recruitment for Steno Typist Post

Surat Municipal Corporation: Recruitment for Steno Typist Post 

Advertisement for recruitment of Steno Typist (Gujarati) and Steno Typist (English) by Surat Municipal Corporation. 

Post name: 
● Steno Typist (Gujarati): 21 Posts
● Steno Typist (English): 22 Posts

Total Posts: 43 

Age Limit: 18 to 35 years 

Educational Qualification: Graduate in relevant and knowledge of typing (50 wpm for Gujarati language and 80 wpm for English language. 

How to Apply: Interested and eligible who wish to apply for Steno Typist posts in Surat Municipal Corporation, they are required to apply through online mode by filling online application on Surat Municipal Corporation official website at from 30th September 2019 and before 14th October 2019. 

Duration for application: 30/09/2019 to 14/10/2019 Go to the link below for advertisement and apply online.