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Sunday, August 11, 2019


Normally, the process of data recovery will be started by customer calling or referring to the one of data recovery companies. They should send the hard drive to the firm for analysis and inspection. After that a data recovery technician come and after analyzing and evaluating process will determine the kind of damage and the cost and prepare a report which will provide the following information:
Kind of the media failure for example: logical, physical, electro-mechanical etc;
Is the data recoverable or not and if is, what the percentage of success to recover data;
How much is the cost of data recovery process exactly according to the fees standards and amount of damage.

How long does the whole data recovery process take;
This report will be emailed within maximum 24 hours to the customer and they wait for customer’s response. After receiving the approval they will start the work on hard drive.
There are two different situation: your hard drive is repairable and passes all the “hard drive fitness test”, in this case they will return all the data on your repaired hard drive.
On the other hand, hard drive may be not repairable and the technician should return recovered data on another storage medium like DVD or CD or on a new hard drive.
If you have brought your laptop or personal computer for data recovery, they can replace the faulty hard drive, reload the Operating System and copy the recovered data back onto the computer’s new hard drive. ( 2001-2008)
Data recovery process makes it possible to restore the data from damaged backup disks that are not more able to read operating system. If you exposure to this problem that the hard disk crash or backup media is damaged you may require the services specializing in retrieval of data from physically damaged hardware such as hard disk drives.

The Job Profile of Dak Sevaks will include all functions of viz sale of stamps and stationery, conveyance and delivery of mail and any other duties assigned by Postmaster/Sub Postmaster including IPPB work in the Departmental Post Offices/RMS. However, the work performed for IPPB will not be included in calculation of TRCA, since the same is being done on incentive basis.He may also have to assist Post Masters/Sub Postmasters in managing the smooth functioning of Departmental Post Offices and do marketing, business procurement or any other work assigned by the Post Master or IPO/ASPO/SPOs/SSPOs/SRM/SSRM etc. In Railway Mail Services(RMS), GDS has to handle the work related to RMS, like, closing/opening of bags, transport of bags from one place to other manually and any other works alloted by the RMS authorities.
7th pay Click here to view report