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Thursday, June 20, 2019

Pragna Material : N,M,G,J Chitra Purni File

Pragna Material : N,M,G,J Chitra Purni File
PRAGNA an activity based learning approach
Number of programs across the country such as DPEP, SSA, NPEGEL have been implemented towards universalization of elementary education. As a result , since past one decade there has been significant improvement in the enrollement and retention of children at the primary level. However, despite sincere and dedicated efforts at various levels to imporved quality in education, there is a long way to go. When one thinks of usual primary classes, the picture of any teacher centic classrooms that comes to one’s mind is as under:
Teacher working with Key Stage pupils might, for instance, focus on the subject content of science and develop science skills from these areas of experience. This product centred approach could, for example, give rise to oral explanations and demonstrations of scientific knowledge, and, from time to time, practical activities designed to provide direct experience of phenomena with opportunities to explore and investigate these phenomena. In providing a conceptual structure to help the learner build a functional mental representation, the teacher highlights what is relevant and the nature of the relationships between the elements. For example, the teacher might explain the compressibility of air in a bicycle pump by describing it as dispersed particles which may be brought closer or else by comparing it with the behaviour of a spring.
In contrast, teachers might focus on the processes of science and develop scientific conceptual understanding from it. This process-centred approach could, for instance, offer the children experiments and investigations as starting points for acquiring conceptual knowledge with little or no direct teaching of concepts. In this case a conceptual structure is withheld. The onus is on the children to recall or construct a functional mental representation without reference to a teachers' description of one. Pupils might infer relationships in the topic under study and may be given an opportunity to test and revise their ideas.
Important Link:-
Pragna Material Click Here
N,M,G,J File Click here